Where Is My Drive???

I am so not in the mood, don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have sat at my computer everyday for the past year, with the exception of weekends, I have not missed a day of work so to speak. This week however, I lack the motivation of the past few months, and it’s not because of a lack of ideas, trust me I am full of them I just don’t want to sit and write it all out. At first I thought it was writer’s block, something I have never gone through, but then I think to myself it can’t be because the story is developing in my head., it doesn’t sound like writer’s block to me.  Maybe I need to go for a super long walk, or maybe take a few days off and just think of why I write? But what if I can’t come up with the answer? What if I’ve just lost it all together and it’s a long while before I get back to my normal self?
It’s almost sad to feel so inspired one day and then all of a sudden feel like it’s all going wrong. Wow! I don’t think I have ever sounded so negative… That’s it! I am blaming it on the weather, I am self diagnosing, I have the winter blues.
Tell me has the initial excitement of your goals or project ever begun  to wear off ?  If so how did you deal?

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